"The point of life is to reach perfection and tell it to others."
Richard Bach
"Great minds set goals, other people follow their wishes"
Washington Irving
"The thoughts of better minds always become the opinion of society"
Philip Chesterfield
"Not the stupid one who doesn't know, the one who doesn't want to know"
Gregory Skovoroda
The 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "School of Underground Mining" was held from 05 to 12 of October, 2008 at the "Parus" sanatorium (Gaspra town, Crimea). Representatives of ore and coal mining companies from Ukraine and Poland took part in this year's conference. They gave speeches and conducted roundtable meetings.
The plenary session was opened by the Head of the School of Underground Development, Head of the Department of Underground Mining of the National Mining University prof. VI Bondarenko. He congratulated the participants of the II International Conference on Underground Engineering 2008 and wished fruitful work to strengthen the links between scientists and representatives of industrial enterprises.
First Report - Mining Encyclopedia Project, Speaker Ph.D. V.S. Biletsky.
The Ukrainian Mountain Encyclopedia is a significant event for both the Miners and the scientific world of Ukraine in general. This is the second (first "Encyclopedia of Cybernetics" of the 1970s) domestic encyclopedia in the exact sciences.
The electronic version of the IGE is hosted by the editorial board on Europe's largest mining Internet portal at www.Teberia.pl
Our Polish colleagues from the Jastrzębski Coal Union A. Chekhowski, M. Lubryk and J. Lubryk presented a report "Development of application programming to the control and visualization system of a special production machine".
Representatives of the Main Institute of Mining M. Plonk, S. Riva, Z. Lyuboshik made a report "Principles of Safe Use Of Powered Supports".
The stability of the coal mine is largely determined by the state of underground mining, among which the most difficult conditions are the preparatory work, which is conducted in a layered array of weak rocks, for example, in the mines of Western Donbass. In the presentation of I.A. Kovalevskaya, GA Simanovich, VI Bondarenko and V.V. Fomichov presents the results of the study of the VAT of the system "rock-fastening" using as a mathematical basis of the computational experiment of the finite element method.
For mining operations, a large number of different documentation is created by the technical services of the mining enterprises. For example, during the extraction of ore for each mass explosion, a passport of the storming chamber and a passport of drilling and blasting operations are compiled, manual airing of the mine is compiled, geological documentation is compiled.
In the development of coal fields passports for cleaning and preparatory work, plans for the elimination of accidents are developed, the airing of the mine is calculated manually.
In view of the above, engineers are engaged in routine work in the state of each division of the mining enterprise (mining, geology, technical service, ventilation, etc.), which at the present stage of computer technology can be translated into computers.
Measures to solve this problem were presented in the reports of Associate Professor V.V. Russian: "Software for designing mining processes" and "Software for air distribution of underground mining enterprises and the preparation of plans for disaster relief."
The first day of the meetings ended with the presentation of a new hypothesis "Physicochemical processes of hydration formation in coal deposits and their emission", the speaker - prof. VI Bondarenko. The report analyzed the thermobaric conditions for hydration formation under the influence of natural and man-made factors, and also substantiated the need to consider the possibility of hydrate formation and their effect on the emission of coal and host rocks.
The second day of the conference proved to be quite interesting for various presentations, which once again confirmed the multifaceted nature of the concept of "mining".
Issues of innovative technologies of coal mining were discussed separately: this was the presentation of the report of Associate Professor R.O. Dichkovsky "Parameters of temperature distribution in rock mass containing underground gas generator". The method of underground gasification has been proposed as the main technology for the production of energy raw materials and its economic attractiveness has been substantiated.
Particularly noteworthy are the presentations by Polish colleagues on the development and implementation of CAD programs. Marek Rothkegel's report "Specjalistyczny program CAD do konstruowania odrzwi stalowej obudowy chodnikowej" is a prime example of this.
The participants of the conference met with great interest the presentation - the report of the Doctor of Biological Sciences A.I. Gorova "Methodology of ecological and social monitoring".
This work will allow us to evaluate the state of the environment by the cytogenetic parameters of bioindicators that characterize the general toxic-mutagenic background caused by the action of chemical and radiation pollutants of the environment and to determine the levels of ecological-genetic danger to humans and biota.
The third day of the School's work is Round Table Day.
Round Table # 1 "Best Practices. Developing Thin Coal and Very Thin Layers". Organizers: Ph.D. Bondarenko VI, Ph.D. Chervatyuk VG,
Lyadetsky OM
The development of thin layers at Ukrainian mines shows the high efficiency of production and labor organization through the introduction of new modern cleaning complexes. Increasing the length of the lavas and the recessed pillars allows for high sustainable production. In this connection, the issue of mounting and maintaining workings in the formed mining conditions is becoming more urgent.
OV Pavlogradugol representatives took an active part in discussing the problems of maintenance of excavation work in the conditions of the mines of Western Donbass. Zasedatelev, A.Yu. Miroshnichenko, V.S. Konstantinov, RV Khavrenkov, representative of DVEK MI Makarov.
The pressing issues of development of thin steep and steep slopes of the Central region of Donbass were addressed by prof. S.S. Grebyonkin.
Roundtable No. 2 "Collective Security for Coal Removal by Long Pillars". Organizers: Ph.D. Kuzmenko OM, Melnik VB, Dyachenko AP
Reliability of coal mine development systems in accordance with modern requirements for the effective use of high-performance cleaning complexes and compliance of technological parameters of coal production to the collective safety of workers and miners in case of gas, smoke or underground fire at the mining or preparatory site.
In the course of the discussion, the question of the expediency of the use of storage cells in the development of short columns in the conditions of SE "Lvivvuhillya" was proposed by A.P. Dyachenko.
The location and number of rescue chambers, as well as their mounting schemes, life support systems and cost-effectiveness were suggested for consideration by I. Avdienko. and Assoc. Medyanik V.Yu. Problems and prospects of using underground radio and mobile communication were brought to the attention of the participants of the round table by A. Zubko. and Kuzmin S.P.
A rich cultural program accompanied the session. On the fourth day of the conference, its participants became passengers of the Aeolian ship. The two-hour trip along the Southern coast of Crimea brought many excursions to the sightseeers, and a glass of Crimean wine warm friendly atmosphere.