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"The point of life is to reach perfection and tell it to others."
Richard Bach


"Great minds set goals, other people follow their wishes"
Washington Irving


"The thoughts of better minds always become the opinion of society"
Philip Chesterfield


"Not the stupid one who doesn't know, the one who doesn't want to know"
Gregory Skovoroda

Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering 2019

The XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering" was conducted from 3 to 7 of September 2019 in Berdiansk. This year the conference is mostly dedicated to the new 4.0 level of the industry and had the main topic of “Innovative technologies and intelligent systems in mining”. Also, the following problems were not disregarded such as major mining trends, mining mechanical engineering, alternative energy sources, stoping and tunneling equipment, mine workings maintaining and supporting, mineral enrichment, crisis management, safety of mining, sanitation, labor protection, and etc. The results of the conference once again proved that only the community created over the years, where a collision of sciences and various practicing schools takes place, is able to bring the most advanced and innovative ideas to life, laying the foundation for future achievements of the mining industry.


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