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"The point of life is to reach perfection and tell it to others."
Richard Bach


"Great minds set goals, other people follow their wishes"
Washington Irving


"The thoughts of better minds always become the opinion of society"
Philip Chesterfield


"Not the stupid one who doesn't know, the one who doesn't want to know"
Gregory Skovoroda

Appeal of the founders
"Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering"

    We, the founders of the "Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering", open the site in early 2007. We wish you creative success, successful endeavors, financial well-being, sound health and, of course, simple happiness!
    School (Latin Schola from Greek. Schole) - system of education, ability, experience; direction in science related to the unity of basic views, the commonality or continuity of principles and methods.
    Having created the Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering, we want to consolidate with you the efforts to preserve and develop new scientific directions, good traditions and to promote the status of miners in the society.
    At the beginning of the third millennium, the volume of mineral resources mined has reached its maximum values ​​and continues to grow.
      The extraction of solid minerals (coal, iron, manganese, titanium, uranium ores, etc.) demonstrates a high degree of mechanization, concentration of mining operations and intensification of the work of miners.
     Today's high-tech equipment is at odds with traditional technologies. The safety of mining operations is reduced and there is virtually no reserve to increase production.
     Thus, one can safely speak about the onset of the crisis in the underground development of solid minerals. We need fundamentally new technologies, such as deserted reclamation, mining without the constant presence of people in clearing holes, underground gasification of coal, robotization of production processes, streaming technology of a new technical level and much more.
    It is difficult to overestimate the importance of scientific conferences, symposia, forums, scientific and technical exhibitions that have been successfully held, will be held and will be held. However, in the age of information technology, this is clearly not enough. The rapid acquisition of new knowledge, the exchange of experience, the coordination and integration of scientific knowledge requires a constantly updated source of information, and thus, we hope, will become our information scientific and practical school of underground development and its site.
With deep respect for you,

        V. Bondarenko,  V. Buzylo, O. Kuzmenko, I. Kovalevskaya


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