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"The point of life is to reach perfection and tell it to others."
Richard Bach


"Great minds set goals, other people follow their wishes"
Washington Irving


"The thoughts of better minds always become the opinion of society"
Philip Chesterfield


"Not the stupid one who doesn't know, the one who doesn't want to know"
Gregory Skovoroda

Symbolics of Ukrainian
School of Mining Engineering


Anthem of the Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering

words by V. Kirichenko, V. Bondarenko 

music by V. Kirichenko

We met here, who with the mine on you,

Leaving care and labor.

Let us fill our hearts and dreams with love,

Trying on the breast awards!

The underground school has brought together guys

Desperate, strong - forever!

We harden the helmets more firmly,

Throwing our coal upstairs.


We are bold at times, meeting trouble,

As a warrior, rushing forward,

Our light horse is hurrying a star,

That people met dawn!

We fasten kilometers on the strings of the Earth

Chords in the coal seam

How much I want to talk about love,

Dancing our autumn waltz.


We will meet again and leave afterwards

At the department, mine, career,

We will warm the planet with underground heat,

After all, we are mountain engineers!

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